
Gardening for Butterflies

Gardening for butterflies is a suspenseful art, a bit like holding a picnic and wondering if your invited guests will show up. It’s because butterflies are choosy insects. Any gardener can have aphids, but red admirals, painted ladies and tiger swallowtails insist upon certain amenities, such as sunshine and shelter from wind.
Content Counts, Not Style
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By |April 16th, 2015|Annuals|0 Comments

Thrillers, Fillers & Spillers

Here’s a simple recipe for eye-catching containers
One of my favorite garden pastimes is cooking up new ideas for planting containers. I’ve never bothered to count just how many pots I plant each year, but the number easily tops 100.

But no matter how many pots I display, I’ve come to realize there’s no mystery in making […]

By |April 16th, 2015|Annuals|0 Comments