Perennials for the Edge
These short and sweet plants deserve a spot in the front row along beds and walkways and in containers.
Many years ago, when I first spoke at a well-attended perennial conference, the person introducing me asked […]
Gardening for Butterflies
Gardening for butterflies is a suspenseful art, a bit like holding a picnic and wondering if your invited guests will show up. It’s because butterflies are choosy insects. Any gardener can have aphids, but red […]
Coriander and Cilantro
If you’re looking for a twofer herb, few candidates rival coriander. This versatile herb is widely known as coriander in its seed form, but its tender leaves go by the name cilantro. Coriander/cilantro is a […]
Thrillers, Fillers & Spillers
Here’s a simple recipe for eye-catching containers
One of my favorite garden pastimes is cooking up new ideas for planting containers. I’ve never bothered to count just how many pots I plant each year, but the […]
Mum’s the Word
Chrysanthemums: A fresh look at a fall favorite
When you think of chrysanthemums, do you picture showy corsages on homecoming queens or the all-too-familiar orange and yellow varieties you see in grocery stores at this time every […]